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What is "partial matching"?

Partial matching explained

R has a very useful functionality called "partial matching," where we can match a incomplete character string or variable name with a list of options. This is achieved using the base-R function pmatch(), but many R functions make use of it, as do many humdrumR functions.

For example, let's say we have a data.frame (let's call it df) with three columns: "Number", "Letter", and "Date":

df <- data.frame(Number = 1:2, Letter = c('A', 'B'), Date = c("January", "February"))

If I want to access the Number column, most programming languages would require I write at very least df$Number. However, R will give me the correct field even if I write df$Numb, df$Num, or even df$N. This is partial matching! The matching happens left-to-right, so as long as I get the beginning of variable right, it will work.

Of course, partial matching only works up to the point that the string matches unambiguously. For example, if added a Dare column to df, then df$D or df$Da would return NULL because they are ambiguous. You'd need to write at least Dar or Dat to get the Dare and Date columns respectively.